Fresh Fatskn.
All our newest, tallow-rich releases. Wildcrafted with 100% grass-fed suet tallow and sustainably-sourced botanicals. Moisturize, scrub, and nourish your way to a glowing complexion and thriving cells.

Get the most out of your tallow.
From moisturizer and makeup remover to diaper rash cream and frizz control— FATSKN is crafted to serve you in more ways than one. Our in-depth product guide is a roadmap for inspiration.
Always learning, always growing.
I'll never stop searching for the best skincare and wellness solutions to serve you and your family. Each tallow-based products start with research and relationship. This means we understand what the body craves and trust our local suppliers. Each recipe is rooted in truth and blended with care— no cutting corners. I don’t compromise on my skin health, so why would I compromise on yours? This is a humble mission to deliver holistic skincare that supports wellness and brings joy.